martes, 18 de agosto de 2009

Welcome to my blog!


My name is Donizetta and I want to welcome to my new blog "Malafemmena", Where I would like share with you the pleasure for the wonderful singer Patrizio Buanne!

For those who ask me about my name and my country, I tell you. I was born in Italy, but all my life I have lived in Argentina. My mother is Argentinean and my father is Italian (from Napoli!). On the other hand, I haven't traveled to Italy for a long time. I used to go to vacations with my family during my childhood, but for many things I haven't returned. I hope to return once again (who knows when, but... anyway) . This is a small summary of me at the moment.

Por supuesto, para quienes hablan español, no duden en hacerlo!

I hope to share more information with you. At the moment, I don't have left more than tell you: Viva la dolce vitta!


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